Looking after yourself and others
Your Wellbeing Team

Donna Hern
Paddy Green

Susan McCabe
​Behaviour Policy
At North Primary children learn about 'Zones of Regulation', this simply means that they talk about how they are feeling and then use different strategies to become happy, calm and focussed; including breathing exercises, listening to music, talking to an adult or friend, drinking water or exercising. Find out more by downloading our leaflet.
Be Safe, Be Respectful, Be the best you can be.
At North Primary we have high expectations of how you will behave towards your friends, adults and how you treat school property. We expect you to come to school every day (unless you are ill) on time. Very occasionally children might make a bad choice, we have clear consequences, click on the link for our rules poster.
We don't tolerate bullying at North. If you feel that you might be being bullied - speak to a member of our welfare team or put a note in the listening post.
Click on the link to our simple anti bullying procedure.