News 11/11/22
Challenge Partners Review
Last week four reviewers came to observe teaching across the school. They were extremely impressed and the school achieved the outcome - LEADING
We were also accredited as being excellent at supporting EAL pupils to achieve excellence.
A snippet of our review report:
Teachers have established exceptionally warm relationships with their pupils and pupils are happy to reciprocate. Teachers know the pupils in their classes well, care a great deal about them and ensure that their wellbeing has the highest priority. This creates significant levels of mutual respect. Positive behaviours and attitudes to learning are universal features in all classrooms and are exemplary. Pupils are hungry to learn and love their teachers.
As one pupil stated, ‘Miss Forster picks the best teachers she can! They teach really well and explain everything clearly.’
Classroom processes and procedures are securely embedded. These range fromfrequent use of talk partners, enabling pupils to enthusiastically share their learning with their neighbours. The ‘silent hand’ strategy to gather pupils’ attention after discussions was observed in all rooms and was highly effective. Similarly, the silent countdown on the teachers’ hand signals the transition from the carpet back to their desks, which pupils enacted seamlessly.
Summer Sat results
We are delighted to announce that KS2 progress and attainment compared to National
Reading, top 20% for progress (3.5)
Writing, top 20% for progress (4.9) and attainment for pupils of greater depth
Mathematics, top 20% for progress (5.7) and attainment
Grammar Punctuation and spelling, top 20% for attainment
Stay and Play
Come and meet other local parents, your child will learn to socialise and have fun. Run by Grove House CC Tuesdays 9-15-10.45 @North Primary, for parents and children 0-5 years old. The entrance is through the main entrance on school passage and then the canteen doors on right.
Reception Open Mornings
Children born between 1 September 2018 and 31 August 2019 are due to start reception class in September 2023. We would love to invite the children and their parents to have a look at the great facilities at North, we have three sessions available:
Tuesday 15th November 9am
Tuesday 22nd November 9am
Tuesday 10th January 9am
Sign your child up to join Reception at North here: https://www.eadmissions.org.uk/
For help or advice please email: admissions@northprimary.co.uk
EYFS Reading Workshop 9.930 KS2 hall
Indivdual Pupil Photos All Children
KS1 Reading Workshop 9.930 KS2 hall
Flu vaccines All children
KS2 Reading Workshop 9.930 KS2 hall
Clubs end
Humph the Camel - KS1 Xmas Performance 2pm KS2 hall
Aladdin KS2 Xmas performance for parents of years 3&4 pupils 2pm KS2 hall
Reception Nativity - Everyone Loves a Baby 9.30 KS2 hall
Aladdin KS2 Xmas Performance for parents of years 5&6 pupils 2pm KS2 hall