Welcome to North Primary School
We are an extremely friendly and supportive school. If you would like to talk to us we'd be grateful if you email or call the school office and one of our amazing team will contact you back. During the school day we are mostly teaching your children, so please be patient and we'll make contact as soon as we can. We have high expectations from adults on our site as they provide a role model to our pupils, our parent code of conduct can be found if you click here.
Who to contact if you need help or advice
About the curriculum - click here or make an appointment to speak to your child's class teacher via the school office.
If you are concerned about bullying or a behaviour incident - please send an email to admin@northprimary.co.uk with a brief description of the incident and your child's name. This will be dealt with the assistant headteacher (Ms Peasah EYFS and KS1 or Mr McArdle KS2) who will contact you via telephone or in person meeting.
About your child's additional educational needs - contact the school office at admin@northprimary.co.uk and the assistant headteacher (Mr Blackman) will contact you
About your child's wellbeing or medical needs - please email admin@northprimary.co.uk and one of our wellbeing team will contact you
Reporting Absence- You can report your child's absence in the following 2 ways:
1. Please leave a voicemail on the absence line 0208 571 7749 (option 1)
2. Email attendance@northprimary.co.uk
Leaving North Primary
​We hope that you all stay with us until the end of year 6, however we know some people have to move away. If sadly your child has to leave us please complete this form and either email it, bring it in or post it to us.
School Day
The School day starts at 08:40 and ends at 15:15
All children must arrive at the main gate at Fairlawn Gardens. Any child arriving after 08:50, must enter via the school main office and will be marked as late.
North Primary Uniform can be bought online here:
Or from Fashion Mark, 18 High Street, Southall, UB1 2JE
Children need:
A red polo shirt
Plain black track suit bottoms
Black trainers

A v-necked sweatshirt with the school logo
White socks

Black shorts and or a red and white summer dress and a cap in the heat


They will also need these items

Book Bag (reception, year 1 and year 2)
Water Bottle
Years 3-6

Breakfast, Lunch, Milk and Snacks
Children who are entitled to Pupil Premium can have breakfast at school from 7.45, otherwise the cost is £1 a day, please book via Arbor.
Fruit is free from Reception to year 2. Children will need to bring a bottle of water and will have a free carton of milk during the day.
Lunch for all children at North is free.
If your child has any allergies or require a special diet please contact admin@northprimary.co.uk.
Support for Families
We have three wellbeing practitioners
Donna Hern
Susan McCabe
Paddy Green

Foodbank is held in the dining hall, accessed through the main gate and dining hall doors, every Wednesday from 9am.

Cost of living support and advice
For more information click here

Breakfast Club
Breakfast club is free if your child is entitled to pupil premium. If not it costs £1 a day, please book via Arbor. Breakfast club is sponsored by Greggs.

Pupil Premium
To be able to access free breakfast club, after school clubs and other support for your child you may be entitled to pupil premium. For more information click here

Holiday Activities and Food
For more information about HAF click here

You will need to create an Arbor account to book clubs and pay for trips. You will be sent an email with a link to sign up. If you need assistance with Arbor please click here