5. What happens when Children move?
Moving to North Primary
Before a child moves to our school, we try to find out as much about them as we can to prepare them to settle in quickly. All new children have the opportunity to come and visit the school so that they know what to expect.
Once we know that a child has SEND, all relevant information will be gathered and discussion with adults who have worked with the child will be organised with parents/carers. We will meet with the parents/carers to talk about desired outcomes and work together to form a plan to support each child to achieve these outcomes. A copy of this plan will be shared with parents/carers. A ‘transition meeting and plan’ will also be organised and shared where necessary.
During Covid-19, virtual video tours are available online through the school website.
Moving to another school
Whenever any child moves to another school we will always pass on school records to the new school. This is in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). If a child has SEN we will also:
Pass on support plans and resources, EH+CPlan, Pupil Passports and target sheets from all outside agencies.
Liaise with the new classroom teacher/year group lead to ensure clarity of necessary information.
Include ways to support a children with the transition, when needed. For example, pre-visits to a new school or social stories.
When possible, we will invite the new school to the child’s last annual review, if they have an EH+CPlan.
Moving between classes and/or phases in education
Children will move classes each academic year. Rarely do children move between classes throughout a school year. When moving classes in school:
Information will be shared with the new class teacher BEFORE and a planning meeting will take place.
All learning plans, Pupil Passports and reports and programmes from external specialists will be shared, in the classroom SEN Folder, with all adults working with the child.
Children will visit their new classroom on ‘move up day’.
When required, social stories, additional visits and interactions with the new adults will be provided.
Building a trusting relationship and familiarisation is key for some children, particularly those with attachment difficulties, and therefore may need a more personalised approach.