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Newsletter 13/9/24


Good Morning,

Great Start to the Year

This week I have looked at all the children's English and Maths books. They have started the year well, their books are neat and accurate, showing the pride they take in their work.

Bright Clothes Day

The children held a moment of reflection today to remember the energy, fun and dedication of Miss Coates. we have sent her family a photo of the whole school looking so colourful in her memory.

Thank you

Less children have been late this week - let's aim for no children late next week!

Please note that children can now enter school in the morning via the front of back gates from 8.40-8.50. Please ensure that your child arrives before 8.50.

Breakfast Club

Entry to breakfast club is from 7.45-8.15. Breakfast club must be pre-booked on arbor. Late arrivals should wait in the playground with their parent until 8.40, when the gates open for school.


Today 96% of children were in school which is excellent, the children and I have agreed that if we have a day where 100% of children are in school, they can have extra playtime!

By the end of the year

98% attendance is 4 days of absence

96% is 6 days of absence

93% is 13 days absence

90% is 19 days absence

Serious concerns is 80% absence

If your child hasn't returned to school after the summer break, they have already missed 8 days of school.

Green =good attendance Orange is poor attendance Red is worrying attendance

We would like everyone at North to have good or better attendance

Remember that your child's education is important. Every day counts.

Any parent who has travelled in term time will be fined.

Tasks for parents:

55 parents have completed this:

Thank you so much for your help in completing this, it will support the governors and LA decision making.

76 parents have completed this, apologies there was a button that I needed to click for you to be able to complete from your phone:

A huge thank you to those of you whi have completed this task - quick online forms really reduce the workload of our very busy admin team. If you haven't completed the form yet, I will leave the form open until Monday.

Please find a copy of the school's parent code of conduct here: Please complete this short form to confirm that you agree to the code of conduct:

Only parents who have signed the code of conduct will be selected to accompany school trips and events. Paper coies can be found in the office area to complete.

Please don't forget to name all your child's possessions and uniform. Labels can be bought fairly inexpensively and make managing lost property easier, drastically improving the chance of your child having their lost item retuned. Here is another label supplier which I have tried and tested: At then end of the year I took four bin bags of unnamed unclaimed clothing to clothes recycling, which isn't great for the environment or your finances.

Finally, please don't forget that we now have a communications blog and calendar on our website on the homepage:

Kind regards

Ms Forster

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