Good Morning,
We are heartbroken to share that our dear friend and colleague, Vicki Coates, recently passed away after a brave battle with breast cancer. Vicki was an extraordinary teacher, a devoted member of the North Primary School community and a truly one-of-a-kind human being. Her boundless energy, creativity, and dedication touched the lives of every child she taught, always putting their needs and happiness above all else.
Next Friday 13th September, we request that all the children wear bright clothes as part of our celebration of her life.
Tasks for parents:
All primary schools in Britain legally have to have a time of collective worship each day. We are in the process of applying for something called determination, this means that our collective worship does not have to be explicitly Christian, but reflects the nature of our multi-faith school. We'd like to collect your opinion on whether you feel determination is important for Noth here: (please only vote once per household).
Please find a copy of the school's parent code of conduct here: Please complete this short form to confirm that you agree to the code of conduct:
Please don't forget to name all your child's possessions and uniform. Labels can be bought fairly inexpensively and make managing lost property easier, drastically improving the chance of your child having their lost item retuned. Here is another label supplier which I have tried and tested: At then end of the year I took four bin bags of unnamed unclaimed clothing to clothes recycling, which isn't great for the environment or your finances.
Finally, please don't forget that we now have a communications blog and calendar on our website on the homepage:
Kind regards
Ms Forster