6. What adaptions are made to the school to support children with SEND?
Adaptations made to the physical environment, curriculum or learning experiences for a child are done to provide appropriate support after careful assessment and consideration. This is done through a 4-part cycle outlined in the Code of Practice, chapter 6 (see section 1 of report). If a child
The Graduated Approach – A 4-part cycle.
Assess: The classroom teacher, with support from the SENDCo, will discuss the child’s needs and create a baseline by which progress will be measured. Meetings with parents/carers and raised concerns will form part of the assessment step.
Plan: Parents/carers will be called in to read through and agree the plan drawn up. This is called a Pupil Plan and it is a set of SMART targets for the child to work towards throughout the term.
Do: The support is put into place under the supervision of the classroom teacher.
Review: The parent/carers, classroom teacher and support teacher, with the SENDCo, will discuss the progress made by the child. This will be completed termly and fully involve the parents. The process will then begin again.
Due to Covid-19, this will be done via telephone calls.
At North Primary School, all adults follow a 5 step plan for SEND concerns. Quality first teaching and high levels of communication with parents are crucial in ensuring we support each and every child we work with.

When a child is on the SEND register, we ensure they can still participate and achieve across all areas of school activity (social, curricular, physical) by:
Planning a balanced curriculum both within and outside the classroom, including break and lunch times.
Implementing an array of teaching methods that suit the individual needs of pupils.
Promoting an inclusive ethos throughout out school, driven by our values based curriculum.
Identifying and celebrating differences in learning styles and support children’s understanding of strengths and challenges through the Zones of Regulation/ RULER approach and the Learning Pit.
Classroom teachers carefully planning lessons according to the needs of all groups of children in their class.
Classroom teachers ensuring that your child’s needs are met.
Creating and offering specific resources and strategies to be used to support your child