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The North Primary 2019-807.jpg

Summary from our last Inspection May 2018

This is a good school


The clarity of vision and the strategies of the headteacher, supported by the senior leadership team and governors, have been instrumental in bringing about improvements in the quality of teaching and learning.


 Pupils are making good progress in reading, writing and mathematics. The information the school holds shows pupils make better progress than they did in the past. 


Children achieve well in the early years, with a high proportion of children achieving a good level of development.


Staffing is now more stable, and teaching is good. Assessment of pupils’ progress has improved and every pupil is monitored regularly. Teachers use this assessment information to plan pupils’ next steps in their learning.


The excellent behaviour of pupils has a significant impact on how well they learn. Pupils say they feel safe and are well looked after in school.


 Higher than average attendance has contributed strongly to the strengthening achievement of pupils. The quality of care for pupils whose circumstances may make them vulnerable is of a high standard.


The provision for pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development is excellent, and is a major contributory factor in pupils’ very positive attitudes to learning


Leaders spend additional funding well, including additional government funding for disadvantaged pupils and special educational needs funding.


Leaders and governors have ensured that the curriculum is fit for purpose; however, skills acquired in the foundation subjects need to be deepened.


Some elements of weaker teaching remain. Where this is the case, teachers do not consistently challenge all ability groups in the class, especially the most able; teachers’ expectations regarding the presentation of work are low; and pupils’ comprehension skills are not well developed.

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